Category Archives: Standard 9 – Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

Motivating Students in the 3rd Quarter

I’ve been trying to motivate my students to work hard this third quarter of the school year… So I created some goals that I had for my classes, and I asked them to create their own math goals…

Here is what went up on the bulletin board to track how we’re progressing through some of these goals.

Third Quarter

  • Fraction Equivalence Drills Trackers – Students need to earn 6 basketballs between January and Spring Break after mastering each of the equivalent fraction drill sheets. Fraction Equivalence Drills
  • Test Average for All Students – My goal for the students is that they score an average of 75% on our assessments.  We met this goal on our first 2 assessments.

Test Average Tracker

  • Homework Completion Goal – The goal is that all students will complete their homework and turn it in on time.  Homework Completion Chart

Graduation Poem :: by Ms. Payne

A few years ago, I wrote a poem for a dear friend’s graduation.  In May of 2011, I recited it at my own graduation from graduate school at Howard University.  In addition to reciting this in various venues, I also coached my students in reciting this poem at the 5th grade promotional ceremony.

Below is a video of me reciting this poem at my Howard University Teacher Induction Ceremony.


Breakfast before the Test!

In the past 2 years, I made breakfast for my students on the first day of our state testing –  the DC CAS.  This year, I did not want the tradition to end, but I asked the other 4th grade teachers to join me in this breakfast tradition.  What a joy it was to see all of our 4th graders fellowshipping and eating a great breakfast before their test!  No worries, no stress –  just laughs and good food!  We made the students waffles, pancakes, sausage, and bacon.  Undoubtably, this showed our scholars our love and support for them as they went in to show DC what they’ve learned all year!

Breakfast before the CAS