Honored by the Achievement Network

In this teaching profession, I have grown accustomed to working without any recognition because when all is said and done, my job is really not about me!  It is about equipping the youth for future success.  That being said, it is always nice to get a little recognition or “Good job” ever so often!

Well the other day, I was notified that I would be receiving an award for my students’ achievement and growth on the Achievement Network (ANET) benchmark assessments.  Once the event started, we were notified that out of over 1,000 teachers, between 20 and 30 teachers were being recognized at this event for our students’ growth.  What an honor!


ANET Tests
Superb Student Tests from ANET #1
The ANET Award
The ANET Award
The PowerPoint from Award Ceremony
The PowerPoint from Award Ceremony